Malibu Hydro... Introduction Updated May 24, 2024 |
Celebrating 154,460 hours of hydro power as of Janurary 2024. Averaging a 300 kW load, this works out to be 46,394,000 Kilowatt hours produced, and if valued at 30 cents a Kilowatt hour if camp was still on diesel, that would be worth 13.9 million dollars! For more than 50 years, Young Lifes Malibu Club in Canada has been subjected to the continual roar and expense of diesel generators. Now, all that has changed! In 2003 we began working on a plan to harness the energy of a near by creek to produce all the electrical power requirements of the camp with our own hydro electric generator. This dream finally came true on Saturday, June 10, 2005. |
This web site is presented to outline the scope of this project and to report on the ongoing success. The many pictures and text will familiarize you with the various aspects of this and other hydro systems. For a brief summary of the web site click on 'Overview' or 'Quick Facts'.
The web cameras are updated every two hours, the 'larger view' link will take you to a full size image. Feedback or comments are always appreciated, so if you have a moment, drop us a brief email. The address is below. Enjoy! |
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Web site by Peter Talbot. Comments appreciated, e-mail to mepete 'at'
Malibu Club in Canada PO Box 49 6545 Maple Road Egmont BC V0N 1N0 Canada 604 883-2582 "Through The Rapids" A book on the history of Malibu, Princess Louisa Inlet and Tom Hamilton. Written by long time Malibu friend Chaz Hitz, this book is a must if you have ever been connected with this special camp. Easy reading with 281 pages, soft cover, pictures and extensive research notes and 14 appendix. Highly recommended! Available from the above address or from: "" |