Malibu Hydro...Photos                                 To index

Most recent photos listed first.
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These are all low res pictures due to quantity. If you are interested in a cd with all these pictures, and more in high res, let me know.

12 inch gate valve on penstock.

The PLC that runs the hydro.

Boat access to site of hydro.

Replacing pelton turbine runner.

Deflector control mechanism.

The hydraulic pumps.

Ice clogging intake filter.

The snow cat for winter access.

Clearing path for water.

Camera on Inspiration Point

Hydro dock across inlet.

The LED light visible from camp.

- - - - - Photos for 2008 - - - -

The leaking flange, Jan 17 2008

Cleaning old gasket off flange.

The new gasket in place.

Gil and Kyle packing propane up road.

Gil and Kyle thawing intake pipes.

Kyle opening frozen valve.

Gil thawing manifold with tiger torch.

The leak was worse.

Drying out the generator.

- - - - Photos for 2007 and earlier - - - -

The RTD sensors give false indications.

Two inch pipe being uncoiled gives a strange view of Mr. Hitz.

Chaz Hitz captured this fabulous view of McCannal Lake and PLI from 25000 Ft.

The new intake screen, Gil photos.

Dorothee and Paul, and Gil built it.

Intake full and screens working.

Gill got these photos May 11 2006, showing burnt shaft.

Housing and hole for bearing. Note scoreing.

Roller bearing. Rollers are loose in housing.

Dam in flood.

Our web cam caught Santa with Linda!

2nd burnt transformer, under rated?

Beaver aircraft leaving us at the lake for 5 days.

Paul cutting away logs at weir location.

Dorathy and Ian preaparing forms for the 16 inch wide structure.

Some of the 13 porters that carried extra rebar up to the lake.

Rebar. was grouted into deep 1.5 inch diameter holes.

Ian working with rebar.

Concrete bucket ready to dump. Dangerous, noisy work.

The finished lake control weir viewed from lake side.

Downstream view of weir. Control gate is 2 feet across.

McCannel Lake and crew, waiting for the plane.

The sign Dorathy made."Water Retention Project"

Possible remote camera view of structure.

Top of radio telemetry tower sending data to Malibu and this web site.

The lower river weir forms a pool, pictured here in early morning.

Gil in the empty pool doing servicing, Aug 31'05.

Celebration fireworks light up the sky as the lights come on for the first time, powered by the new hydro electric generating plant.

Thanks to Aaron Roach for this spectacular shot caught on his 5.1 mega-pixel digital camera.

Harold and Gil flip the switch!

Celebration feast, made by Sharon and staff.

A very festive atmosphere.

Intake filter plugged up within first few days.

The new high capacity electric water boiler.

John and Josh, camp interns.

Main deflector control. This is causing trouble.

The replacement transformer being delivered.

The transformer that burnt up.

Where the wire joins the main transformer.

Showing the cable crossing the mud flats.

The cable, in its protective armor.

Cable being floated in to shore. Gil Fuller got these shots as the drama unfolded.

Cable finally on shore! The floats kept it off the bottom as it was hauled in by a long rope.

Cable crossing rock in front of transformer. It will be encased in protective pipe once connected.

Rescue sub, from North Vancouver BC

Serious check list. The risk is as great as a space walk.

One of the pilots who made the rescue possible.

The soft rope sling used to wrap around the cable to lift the 5000 pound load.

Floats used to suspend cable off bottom as it is floated past light house to power house at Malibu

View under the empty spool, 7 feet of headroom. Cable was later re-wound on spool.

Launching the sub on the successful dive to retrieve the cable.

Barge tied to outer dock at Malibu. Three barges were rafted together.

The roles of lifting line that late broke lifting the cable.

Empty spool on barge, the cable to be rewound on once brought on deck.

Three barges tied to the outer dock preparing to launch sub.

Cable to be fed through rollers as it comes out of water.

Jean-Claud setting up tower for camera at dam.

Temporary antenna beams internet service to Malibu lodge.

Both cable lay barges tied to the outside dock.

Cable spool is 14 feet in diameter.

Cable barge at McCannel Creek, wire is run up to power house.

The spud barge waiting for cable barge at island.

Scott and crew filming barge operations.

Doug inspecting one of several cable anchor points.

Sections of cast steel armor protect cable through inter-tidal zone.

Josh and Brian drilling holes for new cables.

Dave and Ken wiring in the new panels.

Bill Stockwell protecting cable by hand burying. Excavator behind finishes job.

All hooked up ready to lift. Note wind on water.

Lift in progress. Very windy!

Transformer on pad, final adjustments being made.

Click here for short video of helicopter lift. (Ron Kinders to do editing soon)

A small generator called an excitor on the same shaft as the main generator.

Submarine cable arrives in Vancouver, Photo by Bill Kippan.

The very sophisticated control panel to monitor the system.

Scott Lewis - showing one of three terminals from which 4160 volts will soon power Malibu.

Current transformers will measure the output for the computer.

Pump and compressed nitrogen tank used in control and shutdown.

Penstock valve and intake manifold. Spear assembly visible in manifold.

Gil Fuller and Wayne discuss hydraulic hoses.

Part of the oil distribution system for governing turbine speed.

Work crew moving one of the many new transformers.

Close up of the ram that drives the water deflector.

Under side view of turbine runner and nozzle assembly.

Close up of stainless steel turbine casting

Lake level metering equipment being readied for airlift.

Turbine and generator being lined up in new power house.

The high voltage section of the generator is built in as one unit.

The coupling between generator and turbine.

Generator being unloaded at site. Cptn. Ron photo.

Switch gear unloaded at Malibu. Ron photo.

Transformer weighs over 8000 pounds. Ron photo.

Brian pouring transformer pad next to diesel power house.

The spillway of the dam with ice on the pool. Feb 05

Lining up the steel pipe feeding
into the power house.

Standing on dam crest. Photo by Gil Fuller.

Ice on pool. Photo by Gil Fuller.

Power house nearing completion.

The dam all iced up. Photo by Gil Fuller.

McCannel Creek, January 15 2005. Photo by Gil Fuller.

Pool hockey in Canada, January 15 2005.

View from monitor camera.

The dam overflowing, November 2004

Power house constructon.

Concrete pumper and forms.

Josh Anderson bolting on the second of four filters.

Installing the main 12 inch valve.

Loading excavator onto landing barge. Having this equipment available was crutial to our success.

The crest of the dam is nearly 85 feet long. Note filters in background.

The dam is built on one of the few level areas of the creek. A 200 foot water fall is just below dam.

Pumping concrete from on form deck.

We had to pour dry concrete mix down the vertical pipe to plug the last drain hole.

Finishing concrete, note lodge just visible on other side of inlet.

Paul the crane operator considering next lift.

Josh Anderson and water hose.

Close up of forms fitting to rock face. We stripped the lumber the day after the pour.

Power house forms before first pour.

Installing the main 12 inch valve onto manifold.

Expansion joints and anchor on mid slope. This is 12 inch steel pipe, 3/8 inch thick. It drops about 600 feet from here.

View from far side of structure, and onto road.

A week of dry weather enabled all the water to pass through the two 8 inch drain valves as concrete hardened.

Two 8 inch drain valves running full.

Josh Anderson installing the 4 intake filters.

Concrete pumping crew.

The pumper guy having fun clearing clogs.

Sand bags stacked along road. Dam is just at top of road section.

85 cubic meters of sand and gravel. View from dam down road.

A tank drill used in construction.

Rebar is anchored to rock. Concern is flood will destroy form work.

View up to dam. Nothing we can do to save lumber.

Intake manifold ready for placement.

Paul inspecting the main weir during flood. Sept 10, heavy rain for several weeks.

Intake dam from above. Creek should be very low this time of year.

A remote controlled camera will monitor this shot and send picture to camp.

South shore of lake from near outlet.

The narrow notch where the creek exits the lake is the location for the small weir.

Creek level in July 2004.

Chris French considers repairing an early century steam logging donkey engine.

Finally ice free by early may, McCannel lake brim full from melting snow.

North shore of lake from near outlet. The log jam is a permanent feature and will not be removed.

Welders had weather proof huts to work in. Two huts seperated by 50 feet enabled 100 feet of pipe to be welded at once, They could produce a continuous 500 section in one day,

Investigating the route of the penstock before clearing began, taken Fall 2003.

Heidi and Chris check out the site for the river intake structure, May 2004.

Looking up the'shoot', a natural feature forming the route of the penstock. The pipe now runs up this entire area.

Staging area near beach and at the bottom of the penstock.

A landing barge carrying supplies for construction.

Top end of road taken from near new weir in creek.

Landing barge bringing pipe and lumber for construction.

Pipe in the ground! The bottom section of thick wall steel is buried and extends up the hill for several thousand feet as of May 2, 2004

Barging 40 foot lengths of steel pipe up Queens Reach.

Unloading pipe on beach.

Crane lifting pipe into place for welding.

50 foot long sticks of 12 inch steel pipe on dock at Egmont

Thinner wall 12 inch steel pipe on dock at Egmont to be joined with mechanical clamps rather than by welding.

Pipe being barged up Jervis Inlet.

-------- End of this section


Helena Creek Hydro construction for Lodge, built 2003.

Dane Ruck at the intake section next to Helena Creek.

The intake filter is built over the 8 inch diameter pipe leading from the river.

Holes in the pipe permit water to fall from the aqua sheer filter.

Laying out the foundation of the box at the 565 foot level.

Ten concrete pads support the weight of the box.

A close up of the winch we used.

Winching long sections of pipe using a chain saw winch attachment and a 200 foot rope.

Water! And lots of it. 5500 feet of pipe bring water from Helena Creek to a box at the top of the pressure section of pipe.

The box sits on a perfectly placed boulder at 565 foot elevation. Queens Reach visible below.

The turbine all hooked up and running.

Two Beyond Guides, Matt and Ryan and Andrew Mayo (not pictured) who built most of the pipeline.

The old jeep we used in 1985 when building the original high route water line.

Pressure reducing valve drops pressure from 250 pounds to 80 pounds for local use.

Part of the switches and controls.

Load tank that absorbes excess energy and regulates speed.